The Crossover Story....Almost There!
For most of his life, Dr. Wayne Hey, current President of DFW Urology, has fostered a deep love for the Lord, classic cars, helping young people in need, and giving generously to worthy causes. Through the years, Wayne's love for old cars has led to his astounding collection of almost 100 classic vehicles, all in various stages of restoration.
In August 2013, Dr. Hey felt led of God to donate the majority of his classic cars and begin a new foundation for at-risk teenagers. His vision included a program that would expose teenagers to relevant truths from the Bible, hands-on training in complete automotive restoration, computer research skills, mentoring, tutoring, recreation, and character development. This new foundation would use the restoration of classic cars to ultimately restore the lives and families of hurting teenagers.
While the philanthropist-doctor was willing to provide the cars, facility, and initial funding, he needed someone to drive his dream down the Road to Reality. That someone was his long-time friend, James (JB) Baldridge. To Wayne, JB's 33 years of multi-level ministry experience, his knowledge in automotive restoration, and his spiritual gifts and skill set made him the best candidate for the key leadership position. In December 2013, JB accepted Wayne's offer and began serving fulltime as President/CEO of Crossover Restoration Foundation in January 2014 while maintaining his part-time position as Minister of Education at Pleasantview Baptist Church (Arlington, Texas).
Crossover immediately began building meaningful relationships with schools, businesses, churches, students, and other charitable organizations. In July 2014, the IRS granted Crossover Restoration Foundation the legal status of a 501(c)(3) as a religious/educational non-profit, public, charitable organization (EIN 46-4415925; Taxpayer ID 320-52707109).
On September 4, 2015 Crossover closed on the property at 1120 E. Rendon Crowley Road in south Fort Worth, Texas. A large 12,000 square foot building will house the main shop, classrooms, offices, recreation room and showroom. A smaller 3,000 square foot building will be used for storing some project cars and for future expansion. A third 400 square foot building will be used for equipment storage. Dr. Hey had also donated to Crossover a large warehouse where we stored all our classic cars.
Sadly, Dr. Hey finished his battle with cancer and slipped away to be with his Savior in 2018. Since then, JB and the Board of Directors have remained committed to making Dr. Hey's dream for Crossover come true. In December 2019 JB resigned from Pleasantview Baptist Church after serving there 18 years. In January 2020 he dedicated all his time and energy to begin the ministry at Crossover.
Since 2015, over $750,000 has been invested in countless renovations of Crossover's buildings and property. New steps to apply for a Certificate of Occupancy are currently in progress. Opening Day, of course, depends completely upon the financial support of generous donors to meet current needs.
1. Increased monthly support. Currently, only 20% of our monthly expenses is covered by faithful donors, so our funds are quickly depleting. We are trusting God to lead more donors our way so we can remain debt-free.
2. Final electrical work by volunteer, licensed electricians.
3. Spray insulation on the bottom of our new roof to keep it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Estimated cost is $29,000-$32,000.
4. Complete air delivery system supplied by our two compressors to various work bays and our new paint booth. This includes 650 feet of copper tubing, all fittings, and 12 air/moisture filters. Estimated cost is $18,000-$20,000.
*MARCH 9, 2025 UPDATE: Due to a recent wind storm (over 70 mph), one of the roofs at Crossover was destroyed. Our decreasing funds left us without sufficient insurance to cover this damage, so we are trusting God to supply funds to replace our roof. Estimated cost could range from $30-45,000.
Once we receive our Certificate of Occupancy we will need significantly more tools, equipment and supplies to run our after-school program for the teens. Please contact JB for a comprehensive list of those needs.

Pictured left to right:
JB Baldridge (President/CEO), Steve Thornton (Treasurer), Dr. Wayne Hey (Chairman of the Board), and Myrna Hey (Board Member)
In 1970, Wayne purchased the 1965 Buick LeSabre Wildcat (pictured above) when he was a student in medical school. In 1988, JB finished a complete restoration of this car, and it remains Wayne's favorite of all his classics. See the January-February 2014 edition of Arlington Today magazine for an article entilted, "The Surgeon Who Loves Cars & Kids" by Richard Greene.

Original ceiling tiles to our future Recreation Room damaged by leaking room. We now have a new roof, AC/Heating, LED lights, and new ceiling grid. This area is currently used to store several classic cars.

The original condition of our current Classroom. We now have this room freshly painted, upgraded, and ready to teach six students at a time how God can restore their broken lives.