Our Program

For too long the youth of America have fallen victim to criminal activity, abuse, violence and neglect. These unfortunate circumstances have driven countless teenagers into the streets and dark alleys, hunting for significance and satisfaction. They soon give in to the irresistible lure of gangs, immorality, and all forms of aggressive, illegal behavior. Today's teenagers are in need of a moral compass and caring mentors. This is where Crossover Restoration Foundation steps in. We offer a program that ministers to the spiritual, physical, social, financial, and emotional needs of today's youth who have taken a wrong turn on the road of life. Take a quick look at our program summary below, then give us a call to serve as a volunteer mentor, a donor, or to recommend a family with a teenager who loves to work and play around classic cars.
Eligible Students
Boys or Girls
Ages 13-18
Involved in Lena Pope Home (Fort Worth, TX)
Held at Tarrant County Juvenile Detention Center
Facing Teen Court
Needing Community Service
Attending any area school district
Attending any local church
Qualified Adult Leaders
Completed Background Check & Screening
Committed Follower of Jesus Christ
Devoted to the Mission of Crossover
Loves working with youth
Able to share life skills
Willing and capable mentor
Maintain a ratio of 1 Leader/2-3 Students
Elements of Training
Classroom Instruction to include Bible truths, morality, character development, core values, key areas of vehicle restoration, computer research
Personal Mentoring
Hands-on shop time
Recreation time
Meal/Snack time
Field Trips
Study Hall for Academic Tutoring
5-Day Schedule
Week Day Hours: 4 pm - 8 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
All Day Saturdays: 9 am - 5 pm
Off on Sundays & Wednesdays
Each day will include classroom instruction, hands-on shop time, recreation, and a meal/snack. Transportation by Crossover will be provided on a limited, per need basis.
Family Assistance
Spiritual Guidance & Advising
Resume Writing
Job Placement
Transportation Needs (Repairs/Loan Cars)
Financial Assistance
Medical Assistance
Education Completion Programs

Family Activities
Car Shows
Car Auctions
Golf Tournaments
Sporting Events
Creative Fundraisers